4 New Ways to Connect & CARE4 the Holidays Anytime From Anywhere
November 24, 2020
What are your plans this holiday season of 2020?
How will they be different from past years?
Would you love to connect with friends & family for the holidays anytime from anywhere?
2020 brings a brand-new holiday season, one we have never experienced before, and it may leave you wondering… What do we do to celebrate the season? How do we honor traditions? What can I do for others? or If you’re like me, who up until now has looked forward to the holidays for time with family & friends, you may be asking… What can I do to be with the ones I love this season?
This holiday season let’s create New Ways to Connect and show each other how much we CARE4 the good that is in it for ourselves and others!
Celebrate one thing you are grateful for and one thing you are proud of every day. Write it down and share it with someone. Think of this as a gift exchange where the gift is sharing your gratitude’s and proudest moments of the day, month, or year. Play full out!
Act upon your intuition to live each moment and enjoy doing whatever you can with what you have. Write down your ideas as they come to you and Act as soon as possible. This generates creation in gift giving – Magic is in the moment!
Write or send a note to someone who enters your thoughts
Call someone and share a story that warms your heart
Share something with someone you have never shared before
Reach out to do at least one little thing for someone else every day. Think 12 days of Christmas in the simplest form. Consistently reach out to do for others, even if it is with distance or remotely.
Decorate a neighbor’s yard or home
Have a Hot Cocoa Happy Hour or whatever your preferred beverage is!
Bake with someone
Visit someone at their window
Make dinner for someone and drop it off on their porch or exchange dishes
Wrap presents together
Decorate two or more trees at once together with loved ones – Tree Decorating Parties All Around!
Explore connections through technology – video calls are an AMAZING gift and are for anyone, anytime from anywhere with tools like Zoom, Messenger, and many more.
If you or someone you know who, up until now, has limited experience or has never done video conferencing before and/or has limited to no technology knowledge or access and you have done video calls for work, share your skills!
If you have not experienced video calls, find a friend who has and ask for help, watch a YouTube video, attend a workshop, etc.
My Favorite Tips
Zoom Gallery View – Ability to see many people at once on the screen
Messenger – Fun with Filters & Games to Pay
Today, I am actively doing these types of activities with my family & friends and we LOVE it! My dad has learned how to connect himself on video calls and is now an active texter. My nieces have been on video together for hours talking and coloring showing each other their drawings and laughing. If we are learning, we are growing and, in this case, we are all growing together!
If you think about it, when we are on video calls, we are in a virtual room together. We are able to do so many of the same things, continue our traditions, or even maybe create new ones.
We are able to color together, share stories, have a meals and drink together to create lasting memories. Just the same or at least as closely as we can in this unusual holiday season.
In fact, this holiday season I may have time with family & friends I never have before because of the miles that have always been between us. Now I have the opportunity to be with them anytime from anywhere. I hope you do as well.
With creativity in our hearts and technology in our hands, the true meaning of the holidays will surely fill the air and lift all of our spirits!
This holiday season Connect & CARE4 yourself and others!
What new traditions will you create this year?
Happy Holidays
Coach Mandy
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Take your ideas from imagination to a vision with actions and results you love!